I've been using Dapper Drake for a couple of weeks now, and she's actually doing OK for an operating system that's still in development.
Here's some thoughts that have crossed my mind in the past few weeks:
- Woohoo! The eject button on my DVD-Rom works now! Wait a second - it only works on ONE of my drives... doh!
- XGL hotness is... uhh... hot. The beerorkid.com repositories host packages of the latest development version of XGL and Compiz (instructions). It's a treat to get a Compiz update every week. (There's always new features... sometimes stuff breaks, but very good progress is being made)
- Gnumeric does many different types of regressions now! (ie. it can do other fancy fits to data points other than line of best fit.... Yes, it takes a special type of person to appreciate this.) ;)
- There's a lot more menu entries (ie. ".desktop" files) for applications you can install via synpatic or the slick "Add/Remove [Applications]" app. Some of the menu entries have smarter labels now too. (QJackctl was renamed to just "Jack Control"... much more effective.)
- I actually can't live without Deskbar anymore. (hmm, maybe that deserves its own post?)
- I can't live without Tremulous anymore either.
- If you like playing with any of your network settings by hand via the terminal, NetworkManager is your worst enemy. First off, my nm-applet (the little graphical interface to NetworkManager) doesn't work at all for me. It just doesn't appear. Secondly, NetworkManager does some funky stuff if you try to connect to a wireless network by hand with "iwconfig". I'll connect to a network, and then after about a minute NetworkManager will silently do something to kill my wifi connection (it just looks like the link quality dies)... Moral of the story: Make sure you kill "nm-applet" and "NetworkManagerDispatcher", otherwise you'll have some headaches. (... and if you don't use nm-applet at all like me, just uninstall NetworkManager.)